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I completed my PhD in Computer Science at Imperial College London with Prof. Stefanos Zafeiriou and Prof. Michael Bronstein working on Geometric Deep Learning. I am now a researcher at a Contex.AI working on automatic content moderation with multimodal AI.

18/09/2022: I have submitted my thesis and am about to graduate.

02/12/2022: I successfully passed my PhD viva with no corrections!

11/01/2022: I have officially graduated from the PhD program.

I was a Research Intern at Google AI in Machine Intelligence/Machine Perception for Fall 2018 in New York City. Before that, I interned in Quantitative Research (Systematic Trading) at JPMorgan Chase & Co in London for the Summer 2018. I also worked on EEG decoding with deep learning as a Machine Learning Engineer at in 2021-2022.

I graduated with an MSc in Advanced Computing from Imperial College London, and a Diplôme d'Ingénieur in Applied Mathematics and CS from Ensimag (Grenoble), both with Distinction.

I am a Qualcomm Innovation Fellow (2019), thanks Qualcomm!

I co-organized the first edition of LOGML, an interdisciplinary summer school in geometry and machine learning in summer 2021. For more information on past and current editions, please visit

Publications & Preprints



2021 BEETL Competition: Advancing Transfer Learning for Subject Independence & Heterogenous EEG Data Sets

X. Wei, A. Faisal, M. Grosse-Wentrup, A. Gramfort, S. Chevallier, V. Jayaram, C. Jeunet, S. Bakas, S. Ludwig, K. Barmpas, M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, N. Laskaris, D. A. Adamos, S. Zafeiriou, W. C. Duong, S. M. Gordon, V. J. Lawhern, M. Sliwowski, V. Rouanne, and P. Tempczyk

Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track , PMLR 176:205-219


Single Shot End-to-end Road Graph Extraction

G. Bahl, M. Bahri, F. Lafarge

Earthvision Workshop at CVPR 2022


Team cogitat at NeurIPS 2021: Benchmarks for EEG Transfer Learning Competition

S. Bakas, S. Ludwig, K. Barmpas, M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, N. Laskaris, D. A. Adamos, and S. Zafeiriou

Technical Report


Binary Graph Neural Networks

M. Bahri, G. Bahl, and S. Zafeiriou

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021

CVF OpenAccess - Video


Geometrically Principled Connections in Graph Neural Networks

S. Gong*, M. Bahri*, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Bronstein

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020

*: joint first-authorship


Shape My Face: Registering 3D Face Scans by Surface-to-Surface Translation

M. Bahri, E. O' Sullivan, S. Gong, F. Liu, X. Liu, M. Bronstein, and  S. Zafeiriou

International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)

Springer article - Video


Robust Kronecker Component Analysis

M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence



Robust Kronecker-Decomposable Component Analysis for Low Rank Modeling

M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou

IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017


Robust Low-Rank Tensor Modeling Using Tucker and CP Decomposition

N. Xue, G. Papamakarios, M. Bahri, Y. Panagakis, and S. Zafeiriou

European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2017

Two patent applications filed.



2017 - 2022

Imperial College London

PhD. Computer Science

Supervisors: Prof. Stefanos Zafeiriou & Prof. Michael Bronstein

Thesis: Advances in Efficient Geometric Deep Learning for Surface and Graph Modelling

2015 - 2016

Imperial College London

MSc. Advanced Computing

2013 - 2016

Grenoble INP - Ensimag

Dip. Ing. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Graduated with High Honours

2010 - 2013: Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles PC*

Selected Awards & Funding

Selected Awards & Funding


NeurIPS 2021 BEETL Competition: EEG Transfer Learning

First place with team Cogitat.


Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

Awarded on proposal submission and interviews.
$40,000 - one year


Amazon AWS Cloud Credits for Research

Awarded on proposal submission.
$6,000 - one year


Department of Computing PhD Scholarship

Tuition fees and stipend.


Winton Capital Applied Computing MSc Project Prize

Awarded for the best MSc thesis in Computer Science at Imperial College London (1/188 students).

Community Service

Community Service
Co-Organizer - LOGML

London Geometry and Machine Learning Summer-School (

Dates: July 12-16, 2021

Week-long interdisciplinary summer school for early-career researchers in mathematics or computer science working at the intersection of geometry and machine learning. The summer school will offer talks and group projects from prominent researchers from academia and industry, as well as a company evening.



Professional Experience

Professional Experience

June 2021 - Present

Machine Learning Engineer

Research and Engineering on EEG decoding for brain-computer interfaces. Applications in healthcare and entertainment.

October 2018 - January 2019

Google AI

Research Intern

Machine Perception

New York, NY

June 2018 - August 2018

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Quantitative Associate Intern

Equities Systematic Trading QR

London, UK

April 2017 - July 2017


Speech Recognition Intern

Research & Development on RNN language models

Cambridge, UK

September 2016 - March 2017

HarperCollins Publishers

Data Scientist

Graph modeling for digital marketing

London, UK

June 2015 - September 2015

Morgan Stanley

Summer Analyst

Technology & Data

London, UK

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